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Windows Live ID (former Microsoft Account) authentication (using Live Connect REST API).
using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json; namespace WindowsLive { [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplay("UserID = {UserID}, FullName = {FullName}, FirstName = {FirstName}, LastName = {LastName}, Gender = {Gender}, Locale = {Locale}")] public sealed class LiveAuthUser { #region member varible and default property initialization public string UserID { get; private set; } public string FullName { get; private set; } public string FirstName { get; private set; } public string LastName { get; private set; } public string Gender { get; private set; } public string Locale { get; private set; } #endregion #region constructors and destructors internal LiveAuthUser(string userID, string fullName, string firstName, string lastName, string gender, string locale) { this.UserID = userID; this.FullName = fullName; this.FirstName = firstName; this.LastName = lastName; this.Gender = gender; this.Locale = locale; } #endregion } public class LiveAuthException : Exception { #region member varible and default property initialization public string ErrorCode { get; private set; } #endregion #region constructors and destructors public LiveAuthException() { } public LiveAuthException(string errorCode, string message) : base(message) { this.ErrorCode = errorCode; } public LiveAuthException(string errorCode, string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { this.ErrorCode = errorCode; } #endregion #region action methods public override string ToString() { return this.ErrorCode + ": " + base.ToString(); } #endregion } public class LiveAuthClient { #region member types declaration private enum DisplayType { Popup, Touch, } private class RequestAccessTokenResults { #region member varible and default property initialization public string AccessToken { get; private set; } public DateTimeOffset Expires { get; internal set; } public IEnumerable<string> Scopes { get; internal set; } public Exception Error { get; private set; } #endregion #region constructors and destructors public RequestAccessTokenResults(string accessToken, DateTimeOffset expires, IEnumerable<string> scopes) { this.AccessToken = accessToken; this.Expires = expires; this.Scopes = scopes; } public RequestAccessTokenResults(Exception error) { this.Error = error; } #endregion } private class RequestUserInfoResults { #region member varible and default property initialization public LiveAuthUser User { get; private set; } public Exception Error { get; private set; } #endregion #region constructors and destructors public RequestUserInfoResults(LiveAuthUser user) { this.User = user; } public RequestUserInfoResults(Exception error) { this.Error = error; } #endregion } [DataContract] private class AuthToken { [DataMember(Name = AuthConstants.AccessToken)] public string AccessToken { get; private set; } [DataMember(Name = AuthConstants.ExpiresIn)] public string ExpiresIn { get; private set; } [DataMember(Name = AuthConstants.Scope)] public string Scope { get; private set; } } [DataContract] private class AuthUser { [DataMember(Name = AuthConstants.ID)] public string ID { get; set; } [DataMember(Name = AuthConstants.Name)] public string Name { get; set; } [DataMember(Name = AuthConstants.FirstName)] public string FirstName { get; set; } [DataMember(Name = AuthConstants.LastName)] public string LastName { get; set; } [DataMember(Name = AuthConstants.Gender)] public string Gender { get; set; } [DataMember(Name = AuthConstants.Locale)] public string Locale { get; set; } } [DataContract] private class AuthError { [DataMember(Name = AuthConstants.Error)] public string ErrorCode { get; private set; } [DataMember(Name = AuthConstants.ErrorDescription)] public string ErrorDescription { get; private set; } } private static class AuthConstants { #region constants public const string AccessToken = "access_token"; public const string ExpiresIn = "expires_in"; public const string Scope = "scope"; public const string Logout = "logout"; public const string ID = "id"; public const string Name = "name"; public const string FirstName = "first_name"; public const string LastName = "last_name"; public const string Gender = "gender"; public const string Locale = "locale"; public const string Error = "error"; public const string ErrorDescription = "error_description"; #endregion } #endregion #region constants private const string wlCookie = "wl_auth"; private const string ConsentEndpoint = ""; private const string AuthorizeUrlTemplate = "{0}/authorize?client_id={1}&redirect_uri={2}&scope={3}&response_type=code&locale={4}&display={5}&state={6}"; private const string UserInfoUrlTemplate = "{0}"; private const string AuthCodePostBodyTemplate = "client_id={0}&code={1}&redirect_uri={2}&client_secret={3}&grant_type=authorization_code"; private const string CreateSessionState = "create_session"; private const DisplayType Display = DisplayType.Popup; private static readonly string[] DefaultScopes = new[] { "wl.signin" }; private static readonly char[] ScopeSeparators = new[] { ' ', ',' }; #endregion #region member varible and default property initialization private readonly string ClientId; private readonly string ClientSecret; private readonly string RedirectUri; private IEnumerable<string> RequiredScopes; private bool IsInitialized; private string AccessToken; private DateTimeOffset Expires; private IEnumerable<string> Scopes; #endregion #region constructors and destructors public LiveAuthClient(string clientId, string clientSecret, string redirectUri, IEnumerable<string> requiredScopes) { if (clientId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("clientId"); } if (clientId.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("clientId is empty.", "clientId"); } if (clientSecret == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("clientSecret"); } if (clientSecret.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("clientSecret is empty.", "clientSecret"); } if (redirectUri == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("redirectUri"); } if (redirectUri.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("redirectUri is empty.", "redirectUri"); } this.ClientId = clientId; this.ClientSecret = clientSecret; this.RedirectUri = redirectUri; this.RequiredScopes = requiredScopes ?? DefaultScopes; } public LiveAuthClient(string clientId, string clientSecret, string redirectUri) : this(clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri, null) { } #endregion #region action methods public LiveAuthUser GetUserInfo(Page page) { if (page == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("page"); } InitializeInternal(page); if (this.AccessToken != null) { var results = RequestUserInfo(this.AccessToken); if (results.User != null) { return results.User; } } return null; } public static void SignOut() { var cookie = new HttpCookie(wlCookie); cookie[AuthConstants.Logout] = "1"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Remove(wlCookie); HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); } public static void ProcessCallback(string clientId, string clientSecret, string redirectUri) { var client = new LiveAuthClient(clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri); client.OnAuthenticateCompleted(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url); } #endregion #region property getters/setters public string LoginUrl { get { return BuildLoginUrl(this.ClientId, this.RedirectUri, this.RequiredScopes, false, null); } } #endregion #region private member functions private void InitializeInternal(Page page) { if (this.IsInitialized) { return; } this.IsInitialized = true; HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; HttpCookie cookie = context.Request.Cookies[wlCookie]; bool isLiveSessionCreated = cookie != null; if (isLiveSessionCreated) { string accessToken = cookie[AuthConstants.AccessToken]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken)) { DateTimeOffset expires = DateTimeOffset.FromFileTime(Int64.Parse(cookie[AuthConstants.ExpiresIn])); //Check Expiration if (expires > DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 60))) { this.AccessToken = accessToken; this.Scopes = ParseScopeString(cookie[AuthConstants.Scope]); this.Expires = expires; return; } isLiveSessionCreated = false; } if (cookie[AuthConstants.Logout] == "1") //Run logout script { page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(page.GetType(), "logout", "logoutWindowsLive();", true); SetLiveAuthCookie(); //Create empty cookie return; } } if (!OnAuthenticateCompleted(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url) && !isLiveSessionCreated) { //Silent authentication context.Response.Redirect(BuildLoginUrl(this.ClientId, this.RedirectUri, this.RequiredScopes, true, CreateSessionState)); } } private bool OnAuthenticateCompleted(Uri responseUri) { var dictionary = ParseQueryString(responseUri.Query); string code; if (dictionary.TryGetValue("code", out code) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { var results = RequestAccessToken(code, this.ClientId, this.ClientSecret, this.RedirectUri); if (results.Error == null) { this.AccessToken = results.AccessToken; this.Expires = results.Expires; this.Scopes = results.Scopes; SetLiveAuthCookie(); return true; } } string state; if (dictionary.TryGetValue("state", out state) && state == CreateSessionState) { SetLiveAuthCookie(); //Create empty cookie return true; } return false; } private void SetLiveAuthCookie() { var cookie = new HttpCookie(wlCookie); if (this.AccessToken != null) { cookie[AuthConstants.AccessToken] = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(this.AccessToken); cookie[AuthConstants.Scope] = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(BuildScopeString(this.Scopes)); cookie[AuthConstants.ExpiresIn] = this.Expires.ToFileTime().ToString(); } HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Remove(wlCookie); HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); } private static RequestAccessTokenResults RequestAccessToken(string code, string clientId, string clientSecret, string redirectUri) { Uri url = new Uri(ConsentEndpoint + "/token"); string body = string.Format(AuthCodePostBodyTemplate, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(clientId), code, redirectUri, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(clientSecret)); var request = WebRequest.Create(url); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"; try { using (var writer = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream())) { writer.Write(body); } var response = request.GetResponse(); if (response != null) { Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); if (responseStream != null) { try { var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(AuthToken)); var token = (AuthToken)serializer.ReadObject(responseStream); if (token != null) { return new RequestAccessTokenResults(token.AccessToken, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddSeconds((double)Int64.Parse(token.ExpiresIn)), ParseScopeString(token.Scope)); } } catch (FormatException ex) { return new RequestAccessTokenResults(ex); } } } } catch (WebException e) { var response = e.Response; if (response != null) { Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); if (responseStream != null) { try { var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(AuthError)); var error = (AuthError)serializer.ReadObject(response.GetResponseStream()); if (error != null) { return new RequestAccessTokenResults(new LiveAuthException(error.ErrorCode, error.ErrorDescription)); } } catch (FormatException ex) { return new RequestAccessTokenResults(ex); } } } } catch (IOException) { //Ignore exception } return new RequestAccessTokenResults(new LiveAuthException("client_error", "A connection to the server could not be established.")); } private static RequestUserInfoResults RequestUserInfo(string accessToken) { Uri url = new Uri(string.Format(UserInfoUrlTemplate, accessToken)); var request = WebRequest.Create(url); try { HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; if (response != null) { Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); if (responseStream != null) { try { var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(AuthUser)); var user = (AuthUser)serializer.ReadObject(responseStream); if (user != null) { return new RequestUserInfoResults(new LiveAuthUser(user.ID, user.Name, user.FirstName, user.LastName, user.Gender, user.Locale)); } } catch (FormatException ex) { return new RequestUserInfoResults(ex); } } } } catch (WebException e) { var response = e.Response; if (response != null) { Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); if (responseStream != null) { try { var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(AuthError)); var error = (AuthError)serializer.ReadObject(response.GetResponseStream()); if (error != null) { return new RequestUserInfoResults(new LiveAuthException(error.ErrorCode, error.ErrorDescription)); } } catch (FormatException ex) { return new RequestUserInfoResults(ex); } } } } catch (IOException) { //Ignore exception } return new RequestUserInfoResults(new LiveAuthException("client_error", "A connection to the server could not be established.")); } private static string BuildLoginUrl(string clientId, string redirectUri, IEnumerable<string> scopes, bool silent, string state) { return string.Format(AuthorizeUrlTemplate, ConsentEndpoint, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(clientId), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(redirectUri), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(BuildScopeString(scopes)), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.ToString()), silent ? "none" : HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Display.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()), state); } private static string BuildScopeString(IEnumerable<string> scopes) { var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (scopes != null) { foreach (string str in scopes) { sb.Append(str).Append(ScopeSeparators[0]); } } return sb.ToString().TrimEnd(ScopeSeparators); } private static IEnumerable<string> ParseScopeString(string scopesString) { return new List<string>(scopesString.Split(ScopeSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); } private static IDictionary<string, string> ParseQueryString(string query) { var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { query = query.TrimStart(new char[] { '?', '#' }); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { return dictionary; } foreach (string str in query.Split(new char[] { '&' })) { string[] strArray2 = str.Split(new char[] { '=' }); if (strArray2.Length == 2) { dictionary.Add(strArray2[0], strArray2[1]); } } } return dictionary; } #endregion } }