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Represents a common dialog box to call up the Active Directory object Picker dialog. This dialog can by used to select users and groups or find computers.
using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using IMP.SharedControls.ADObjectPicker.CustomSettings; using IMP.Shared; namespace IMP.SharedControls.ADObjectPicker { namespace CustomSettings { #region DSOP scope flags types #pragma warning disable 1591 /// <summary> /// Flags that indicate the scope types described by this structure. You can combine multiple scope types if all specified scopes use the same settings. /// </summary> [Flags, CLSCompliant(false)] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1028:EnumStorageShouldBeInt32")] public enum DSOPScopeType : uint { TargetComputer = 0x00000001, UplevelJoinedDomain = 0x00000002, DownlevelJoinedDomain = 0x00000004, EnterpriseDomain = 0x00000008, GlobalCatalog = 0x00000010, ExternalUplevelDomain = 0x00000020, ExternalDownlevelDomain = 0x00000040, Workgroup = 0x00000080, UserEnteredUplevelScope = 0x00000100, UserEnteredDownlevelScope = 0x00000200 } /// <summary> /// Flags that indicate the format used to return ADsPath for objects selected from this scope. The flScope member can also indicate the initial scope displayed in the Look in drop-down list. /// </summary> [Flags, CLSCompliant(false)] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1028:EnumStorageShouldBeInt32")] public enum DSOPScopeFlags : uint { StartingScope = 0x00000001, WantProviderWINNT = 0x00000002, WantProviderLDAP = 0x00000004, WantProviderGC = 0x00000008, WantSIDPath = 0x00000010, WantDownlevelBuiltinPath = 0x00000020, DefaultFilterUsers = 0x00000040, DefaultFilterGroups = 0x00000080, DefaultFilterComputers = 0x00000100, DefaultFilterContacts = 0x00000200 } /// <summary> /// Filter flags to use for an up-level scope, regardless of whether it is a mixed or native mode domain. /// </summary> [Flags, CLSCompliant(false)] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1028:EnumStorageShouldBeInt32")] public enum DSOPFilterFlagsUplevel : uint { IncludeAdvancedView = 0x00000001, Users = 0x00000002, BuiltinGroups = 0x00000004, WellKnownPrincipals = 0x00000008, UniversalGroupsDL = 0x00000010, UniversalGroupsSE = 0x00000020, GlobalGroupsDL = 0x00000040, GlobalGroupsSE = 0x00000080, DomainLocalGroupsDL = 0x00000100, DomainLocalGroupsSE = 0x00000200, Contacts = 0x00000400, Computers = 0x00000800 } /// <summary> /// Contains the filter flags to use for down-level scopes /// </summary> [Flags, CLSCompliant(false)] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1028:EnumStorageShouldBeInt32")] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2217:DoNotMarkEnumsWithFlags")] public enum DSOPFilterFlagsDownlevel : uint { Users = 0x80000001, LocalGroups = 0x80000002, GlobalGroups = 0x80000004, Computers = 0x80000008, World = 0x80000010, AuthenticatedUser = 0x80000020, Anonymous = 0x80000040, Batch = 0x80000080, CreatorOwner = 0x80000100, CreatorGroup = 0x80000200, Dialup = 0x80000400, Interactive = 0x80000800, Network = 0x80001000, Service = 0x80002000, System = 0x80004000, ExcludeBuiltinGroups = 0x80008000, TerminalServer = 0x80010000, AllWellKnownSIDs = 0x80020000, LocalService = 0x80040000, NETWORK_SERVICE = 0x80080000, RemoteLogon = 0x80100000 } #pragma warning restore 1591 #endregion #region ADObjectPickerDialogScope class /// <summary> /// Scope settings /// </summary> public class ADObjectPickerDialogScope : ICloneable { #region member varible and default property initialization /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>ScopeType</c> /// </summary> private DSOPScopeType m_ScopeType; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>ScopeFlags</c> /// </summary> private DSOPScopeFlags m_ScopeFlags; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>FilterFlagsUplevel</c> /// </summary> private DSOPFilterFlagsUplevel m_FilterFlagsUplevel; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>FilterFlagsDownlevel</c> /// </summary> private DSOPFilterFlagsDownlevel m_FilterFlagsDownlevel; #endregion #region constructors and destructors /// <summary> /// Default constructor /// </summary> public ADObjectPickerDialogScope() { m_ScopeType = 0; m_ScopeFlags = 0; m_FilterFlagsUplevel = 0; m_FilterFlagsDownlevel = 0; } /// <summary> /// Clone constructor /// </summary> private ADObjectPickerDialogScope(ADObjectPickerDialogScope Scope) { m_ScopeType = Scope.m_ScopeType; m_ScopeFlags = Scope.m_ScopeFlags; m_FilterFlagsUplevel = Scope.m_FilterFlagsUplevel; m_FilterFlagsDownlevel = Scope.m_FilterFlagsDownlevel; } #endregion #region action methods /// <summary> /// Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. /// </summary> /// <returns>A new object that is a copy of this instance.</returns> public ADObjectPickerDialogScope Clone() { return new ADObjectPickerDialogScope(this); } #endregion #region property getters/setters /// <summary> /// A scope type is a generic category of scopes, such as all domains in the enterprise to which the target computer belongs, /// or the global catalog for the target computer's enterprise, or the target computer itself. /// For each specified scope type, the dialog box uses the context of the target computer to determine the scope list entries. /// </summary> [CLSCompliant(false)] public DSOPScopeType ScopeType { get { return m_ScopeType; } set { m_ScopeType = value; } } /// <summary> /// The Look in drop-down list contains the scopes from which a user can select objects. A scope is a domain, computer, workgroup, /// or global catalog that stores information about and provides access to a set of available objects. /// The entries in the scope list depend on the scope types and the target computer specified when the Initialize method was last called to initialize the object picker dialog box. /// </summary> [CLSCompliant(false)] public DSOPScopeFlags ScopeFlags { get { return m_ScopeFlags; } set { m_ScopeFlags = value; } } /// <summary> /// An up-level scope is a global catalog or a Windows 2000 domain that supports the ADSI LDAP provider. /// </summary> [CLSCompliant(false)] public DSOPFilterFlagsUplevel FilterFlagsUplevel { get { return m_FilterFlagsUplevel; } set { m_FilterFlagsUplevel = value; } } /// <summary> /// A down-level scope includes Windows NT 4.0 domains, workgroups, and all individual computers, whether running Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 /// The dialog box uses the ADSI WinNT provider to access a down-level scope. /// </summary> [CLSCompliant(false)] public DSOPFilterFlagsDownlevel FilterFlagsDownlevel { get { return m_FilterFlagsDownlevel; } set { m_FilterFlagsDownlevel = value; } } #endregion #region ICloneable Members object ICloneable.Clone() { return new ADObjectPickerDialogScope(this); } #endregion } #endregion #region ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings class /// <summary> /// First and Second search scope settings /// </summary> public class ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings : ICloneable { #region member varible and default property initialization /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>FirstScope</c> /// </summary> private ADObjectPickerDialogScope m_FirstScope; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>SecondScope</c> /// </summary> private ADObjectPickerDialogScope m_SecondScope; #endregion #region constructors and destructors /// <summary> /// Default constructor /// </summary> public ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings() { m_FirstScope = new ADObjectPickerDialogScope(); } /// <summary> /// Constructor with first Scope /// </summary> public ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings(ADObjectPickerDialogScope Scope) { m_FirstScope = Scope; } /// <summary> /// Clone constructor /// </summary> private ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings(ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings ScopeSettings) { m_FirstScope = ScopeSettings.m_FirstScope.Clone(); if (ScopeSettings.m_SecondScope != null) { m_SecondScope = ScopeSettings.m_SecondScope.Clone(); } } /// <summary> /// Main constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="ObjectTypes">Types of objects to search in dialog</param> /// <param name="ComputerObjectTypes">Types of objects for target computer or None for same as ObjectTypes</param> /// <param name="SelectedObjectTypes">Types of objects to be selected in dialog</param> /// <param name="Locations">Location to search in dialog</param> /// <param name="StartupLocation">Startup location from locations in dialog</param> /// <param name="ReturnType">Provider to return in objects from dialog</param> [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")] public ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings(ADObjectTypes ObjectTypes, ADObjectTypes ComputerObjectTypes, ADObjectTypes SelectedObjectTypes, ADObjectsLocations Locations, ADObjectsLocation StartupLocation, ADReturnType ReturnType) { ADObjectPickerDialogScope Scope = new ADObjectPickerDialogScope(); //Set ScopeType according to Locations Scope.ScopeType = 0; if (ObjectTypes == ADObjectTypes.BuiltinGroups && (Locations & ADObjectsLocations.EntireDirectory) == ADObjectsLocations.EntireDirectory && (Locations & ADObjectsLocations.Domain) == ADObjectsLocations.Domain) { //Oprava špatného nastavení location při BuiltinGroups a //natavení EntireDirectory s Domain nebo all if (StartupLocation == ADObjectsLocation.Domain) { Scope.ScopeType = Scope.ScopeType | DSOPScopeType.GlobalCatalog; } else if (StartupLocation == ADObjectsLocation.EntireDirectory) { Scope.ScopeType = Scope.ScopeType | DSOPScopeType.UplevelJoinedDomain; } } else { if ((Locations & ADObjectsLocations.TargetComputer) == ADObjectsLocations.TargetComputer) { Scope.ScopeType = Scope.ScopeType | DSOPScopeType.TargetComputer; } if ((Locations & ADObjectsLocations.EntireDirectory) == ADObjectsLocations.EntireDirectory) { Scope.ScopeType = Scope.ScopeType | DSOPScopeType.GlobalCatalog; } if ((Locations & ADObjectsLocations.Domain) == ADObjectsLocations.Domain) { Scope.ScopeType = Scope.ScopeType | DSOPScopeType.EnterpriseDomain | DSOPScopeType.UplevelJoinedDomain | DSOPScopeType.DownlevelJoinedDomain | DSOPScopeType.ExternalUplevelDomain | DSOPScopeType.ExternalDownlevelDomain | DSOPScopeType.UserEnteredUplevelScope | DSOPScopeType.UserEnteredDownlevelScope; } } //Set ScopeFlags according to SelectedObjectTypes Scope.ScopeFlags = 0; if ((SelectedObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.Users) == ADObjectTypes.Users) { Scope.ScopeFlags = Scope.ScopeFlags | DSOPScopeFlags.DefaultFilterUsers; } if ((SelectedObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.Groups) == ADObjectTypes.Groups) { Scope.ScopeFlags = Scope.ScopeFlags | DSOPScopeFlags.DefaultFilterGroups; } if ((SelectedObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.Computers) == ADObjectTypes.Computers) { Scope.ScopeFlags = Scope.ScopeFlags | DSOPScopeFlags.DefaultFilterComputers; } if ((SelectedObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.Contacts) == ADObjectTypes.Contacts) { Scope.ScopeFlags = Scope.ScopeFlags | DSOPScopeFlags.DefaultFilterContacts; } //Set FilterFlagsUplevel according to ObjectTypes Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel = 0; if ((ObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.Users) == ADObjectTypes.Users) { Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel = Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel | DSOPFilterFlagsUplevel.Users; } if ((ObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.Groups) == ADObjectTypes.Groups) { Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel = Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel | DSOPFilterFlagsUplevel.UniversalGroupsDL | DSOPFilterFlagsUplevel.UniversalGroupsSE | DSOPFilterFlagsUplevel.GlobalGroupsDL | DSOPFilterFlagsUplevel.GlobalGroupsSE; } if ((ObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.BuiltinGroups) == ADObjectTypes.BuiltinGroups) { Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel = Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel | DSOPFilterFlagsUplevel.BuiltinGroups; } if ((ObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.BuiltinPrincipals) == ADObjectTypes.BuiltinPrincipals) { Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel = Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel | DSOPFilterFlagsUplevel.WellKnownPrincipals; } if ((ObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.Computers) == ADObjectTypes.Computers) { Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel = Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel | DSOPFilterFlagsUplevel.Computers; } if ((ObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.Contacts) == ADObjectTypes.Contacts) { Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel = Scope.FilterFlagsUplevel | DSOPFilterFlagsUplevel.Contacts; } //Set FilterFlagsDownlevel according to ComputerObjectTypes or ObjectTypes Scope.FilterFlagsDownlevel = 0; if (ComputerObjectTypes == 0) { //Same as ObjectTypes ComputerObjectTypes = ObjectTypes; } if ((ComputerObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.Users) == ADObjectTypes.Users) { Scope.FilterFlagsDownlevel = Scope.FilterFlagsDownlevel | DSOPFilterFlagsDownlevel.Users; } if ((ComputerObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.Groups) == ADObjectTypes.Groups) { Scope.FilterFlagsDownlevel = Scope.FilterFlagsDownlevel | DSOPFilterFlagsDownlevel.LocalGroups | DSOPFilterFlagsDownlevel.GlobalGroups; if ((ComputerObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.BuiltinGroups) != ADObjectTypes.BuiltinGroups) { Scope.FilterFlagsDownlevel = Scope.FilterFlagsDownlevel | DSOPFilterFlagsDownlevel.ExcludeBuiltinGroups; } } if ((ComputerObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.BuiltinPrincipals) == ADObjectTypes.BuiltinPrincipals) { Scope.FilterFlagsDownlevel = Scope.FilterFlagsDownlevel | DSOPFilterFlagsDownlevel.AllWellKnownSIDs; } if ((ComputerObjectTypes & ADObjectTypes.Computers) == ADObjectTypes.Computers) { Scope.FilterFlagsDownlevel = Scope.FilterFlagsDownlevel | DSOPFilterFlagsDownlevel.Computers; } //Set return type switch (ReturnType) { case ADReturnType.ProviderLDAP: Scope.ScopeFlags = Scope.ScopeFlags | DSOPScopeFlags.WantProviderLDAP; break; case ADReturnType.ProviderLDAPSIDPath: Scope.ScopeFlags = Scope.ScopeFlags | DSOPScopeFlags.WantProviderLDAP | DSOPScopeFlags.WantSIDPath; break; case ADReturnType.ProviderWINNT: Scope.ScopeFlags = Scope.ScopeFlags | DSOPScopeFlags.WantProviderWINNT; break; case ADReturnType.ProviderGC: Scope.ScopeFlags = Scope.ScopeFlags | DSOPScopeFlags.WantProviderGC; break; } //Set StartingScope according to StartupLocation ADObjectPickerDialogScope StartingScope = Scope.Clone(); switch (StartupLocation) { case ADObjectsLocation.TargetComputer: StartingScope.ScopeType = DSOPScopeType.TargetComputer; break; case ADObjectsLocation.EntireDirectory: StartingScope.ScopeType = DSOPScopeType.GlobalCatalog; break; case ADObjectsLocation.Domain: StartingScope.ScopeType = DSOPScopeType.UplevelJoinedDomain; break; } StartingScope.ScopeFlags = StartingScope.ScopeFlags | DSOPScopeFlags.StartingScope; m_FirstScope = StartingScope; m_SecondScope = Scope; } #endregion #region action methods /// <summary> /// Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. /// </summary> /// <returns>A new object that is a copy of this instance.</returns> public ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings Clone() { return new ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings(this); } #endregion #region property getters/setters /// <summary> /// First search scope /// </summary> public ADObjectPickerDialogScope FirstScope { get { return m_FirstScope; } set { m_FirstScope = value; } } /// <summary> /// Second search scope /// </summary> public ADObjectPickerDialogScope SecondScope { get { return m_SecondScope; } set { m_SecondScope = value; } } #endregion #region ICloneable Members object ICloneable.Clone() { return new ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings(this); } #endregion } #endregion } #region public enums declarations /// <summary> /// Types of objects to search in dialog flags /// </summary> [Flags] public enum ADObjectTypes { /// <summary> /// Users /// </summary> Users = 1, /// <summary> /// Groups /// </summary> Groups = 2, /// <summary> /// Builtin Groups /// </summary> BuiltinGroups = 4, /// <summary> /// Builtin Security Principals /// </summary> BuiltinPrincipals = 8, /// <summary> /// Computers /// </summary> Computers = 16, /// <summary> /// Contacts /// </summary> Contacts = 32, /// <summary> /// Users and Groups /// </summary> UsersGroups = Users | Groups, /// <summary> /// Groups and Builtin Groups /// </summary> GroupsBuiltinGroups = Groups | BuiltinGroups, /// <summary> /// Users, Groups and Builtin Groups /// </summary> UsersGroupsBuiltinGroups = Users | Groups | BuiltinGroups, /// <summary> /// Users, Groups and Builtin Security Principals /// </summary> UsersGroupsBuiltinPrincipals = Users | Groups | BuiltinPrincipals, /// <summary> /// Users, Groups, Builtin Groups and Builtin Security Principals /// </summary> UsersGroupsBuiltinGroupsBuiltinPrincipals = Users | Groups | BuiltinGroups | BuiltinPrincipals, /// <summary> /// Users, Groups, Builtin Security Principals and Computers /// </summary> UsersGroupsBuiltinPrincipalsComputers = Users | Groups | BuiltinPrincipals | Computers, /// <summary> /// None objects selected /// </summary> None = 0 } /// <summary> /// Location to search in dialog flags /// </summary> [Flags] public enum ADObjectsLocations { /// <summary> /// Local or Target Computer /// </summary> TargetComputer = 1, /// <summary> /// Entire Directory /// </summary> EntireDirectory = 2, /// <summary> /// Current Domain /// </summary> Domain = 4, /// <summary> /// Entire Directory and domains /// </summary> EntireDirectoryAndDomains = EntireDirectory | Domain, /// <summary> /// Target Computer, Entire Directory and domains /// </summary> All = TargetComputer | EntireDirectory | Domain } /// <summary> /// Enum to set startup location from locations in dialog /// </summary> [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue"), System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1027:MarkEnumsWithFlags")] public enum ADObjectsLocation { /// <summary> /// Local or target computer /// </summary> TargetComputer = 1, /// <summary> /// Entire Directory /// </summary> EntireDirectory = 2, /// <summary> /// Current Domain /// </summary> Domain = 4 } /// <summary> /// Enum to set provider to return in objects from dialog /// </summary> [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue")] public enum ADReturnType { /// <summary> /// LDAP, GC or WINNT provider by selected objects location /// </summary> ByLocation = 1, /// <summary> /// LDAP provider /// </summary> ProviderLDAP = 2, /// <summary> /// LDAP provider with SID path /// </summary> ProviderLDAPSIDPath = 3, /// <summary> /// WINNT provider /// </summary> ProviderWINNT = 4, /// <summary> /// GC provider /// </summary> ProviderGC = 5 } #endregion #region ADObject and ADObjectCollection class /// <summary> /// AD Objects item returned in collection from dialog /// </summary> public class ADObject { #region member varible and default property initialization private string m_Name; private string m_ADPath; private string m_ClassName; private string m_UPN; private ADObjectsLocation m_Location; #endregion #region constructors and destructors /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the ADObject class. /// </summary> /// <param name="Name">The object's RDN</param> /// <param name="ADPath">The object's ADsPath</param> /// <param name="ClassName">The object's class attribute value</param> /// <param name="UPN">The object's userPrincipalName attribute value</param> /// <param name="Location">Location from which this object was selected</param> public ADObject(string Name, string ADPath, string ClassName, string UPN, ADObjectsLocation Location) { m_Name = Name; m_ADPath = ADPath; m_ClassName = ClassName; m_UPN = UPN; m_Location = Location; } #endregion #region property getters/setters /// <summary> /// The object's RDN /// </summary> public string Name { get { return m_Name; } } /// <summary> /// The object's ADsPath /// </summary> public string ADPath { get { return m_ADPath; } } /// <summary> /// The object's class attribute value /// </summary> public string ClassName { get { return m_ClassName; } } /// <summary> /// The object's userPrincipalName attribute value /// </summary> public string UPN { get { return m_UPN; } } /// <summary> /// Location from which this object was selected /// </summary> public ADObjectsLocation Location { get { return m_Location; } } #endregion } /// <summary> /// AD Objects collection returned from dialog /// </summary> public class ADObjectCollection : ReadOnlyCollection<ADObject> { internal ADObjectCollection(List<ADObject> list) : base(list) { } } #endregion /// <summary> /// Represents a common dialog box to call up the Active Directory object Picker dialog. /// This dialog can by used to select users and groups or find computers. /// </summary> /// <histories> /// <history date="18.12.2005" author="Jan Holan">Vytvoření</history> /// <history date="19.11.2006" author="Jan Holan">Oprava padání dialogu pod x64 systémy</history> /// </histories> [ ToolboxItem(true), ToolboxBitmap(typeof(IMP.SharedControls.ADObjectPicker.ADObjectPickerDialog)), Description("Represents a common dialog box to call up the Active Directory object Picker dialog. This dialog can by used to select users and groups or find computers."), DefaultProperty("ObjectTypes"), ] public class ADObjectPickerDialog : CommonDialog { #region private member types definition /// <summary> /// Flags that determine the object picker options. /// </summary> private static class DSOPOptionFlags { public const int Multiselect = 0x00000001; public const int SkipTargetComputerDCCheck = 0x00000002; } /// <summary> /// This structure is used as a parameter in OLE functions and methods that require data format information. /// </summary> [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] private struct FORMATETC { public int cfFormat; public IntPtr ptd; public int dwAspect; public int lindex; public int tymed; } /// <summary> /// The STGMEDIUM structure is a generalized global memory handle used for data transfer operations by the IDataObject /// </summary> [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] private struct STGMEDIUM { public int tymed; public IntPtr hGlobal; public IntPtr pUnkForRelease; } /// <summary> /// The DSOP_INIT_INFO structure contains data required to initialize an object picker dialog box. /// </summary> [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] private struct DSOP_INIT_INFO { public int cbSize; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] public string pwzTargetComputer; public int cDsScopeInfos; public IntPtr aDsScopeInfos; public int flOptions; public int cAttributesToFetch; public IntPtr apwzAttributeNames; } /// <summary> /// The DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO structure describes one or more scope types that have the same attributes. A scope type is a type of location, for example a domain, computer, or Global Catalog, from which the user can select objects. /// A scope type is a type of location, for example a domain, computer, or Global Catalog, from which the user can select objects. /// </summary> [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] private struct DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO { public int cbSize; public int flType; public int flScope; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] public DSOP_FILTER_FLAGS FilterFlags; public IntPtr pwzDcName; public IntPtr pwzADsPath; public int hr; } /// <summary> /// The DSOP_UPLEVEL_FILTER_FLAGS structure contains flags that indicate the filters to use for an up-level scope. An up-level scope is a scope that supports the ADSI LDAP provider. /// </summary> [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] private struct DSOP_UPLEVEL_FILTER_FLAGS { public int flBothModes; public int flMixedModeOnly; public int flNativeModeOnly; } /// <summary> /// The DSOP_FILTER_FLAGS structure contains flags that indicate the types of objects presented to the user for a specified scope or scopes. /// </summary> [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] private struct DSOP_FILTER_FLAGS { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] public DSOP_UPLEVEL_FILTER_FLAGS Uplevel; public int flDownlevel; } /// <summary> /// The CFSTR_DSOP_DS_SELECTION_LIST clipboard format is provided by the IDataObject obtained by calling IDsObjectPicker.InvokeDialog /// </summary> private static class CLIPBOARD_FORMAT { public const string CFSTR_DSOP_DS_SELECTION_LIST = "CFSTR_DSOP_DS_SELECTION_LIST"; } /// <summary> /// The TYMED enumeration values indicate the type of storage medium being used in a data transfer. /// </summary> private enum TYMED { TYMED_HGLOBAL = 1, TYMED_FILE = 2, TYMED_ISTREAM = 4, TYMED_ISTORAGE = 8, TYMED_GDI = 16, TYMED_MFPICT = 32, TYMED_ENHMF = 64, TYMED_NULL = 0 } /// <summary> /// The DVASPECT enumeration values specify the desired data or view aspect of the object when drawing or getting data. /// </summary> private enum DVASPECT { DVASPECT_CONTENT = 1, DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL = 2, DVASPECT_ICON = 4, DVASPECT_DOCPRINT = 8 } #endregion #region DSObjectPicker COM Interop types /// <summary> /// The object picker dialog box. /// </summary> [ComImport, Guid("17D6CCD8-3B7B-11D2-B9E0-00C04FD8DBF7")] private class DSObjectPicker { } /// <summary> /// The IDsObjectPicker interface is used by an application to initialize and display an object picker dialog box. /// </summary> [ComImport, Guid("0C87E64E-3B7A-11D2-B9E0-00C04FD8DBF7")] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] private interface IDsObjectPicker { void Initialize([In()]ref DSOP_INIT_INFO pInitInfo); void InvokeDialog([In()]HandleRef hWnd, out IDataObject lpDataObject); } /// <summary> /// Interface to enable data transfers /// </summary> [ComImport, Guid("0000010E-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] private interface IDataObject { void GetData(ref FORMATETC pFormatEtc, ref STGMEDIUM pStg); void GetDataHere(ref FORMATETC pFormatEtc, ref STGMEDIUM pStg); void QueryGetData(ref FORMATETC pFormatEtc); void GetCanonicalFormatEtc(ref FORMATETC pFormatEtcIn, ref FORMATETC pFormatEtcOut); void SetData(ref FORMATETC pFormatEtc, ref STGMEDIUM pStg, bool fRelease); void EnumFormatEtc(uint dwDirection, ref IntPtr ppEnumFormat); void DAdvise(ref FORMATETC pFormatEtc, int advf, ref IntPtr pAdvSink, ref int pdfConnection); void DUnadvise(int dwConnection); void EnumDAdvise(ref IntPtr ppEnumAdvise); } #endregion #region UnsafeNativeMethods class [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] private static class UnsafeNativeMethods { /// <summary> /// The GlobalLock function locks a global memory object and returns a pointer to the first byte of the object's memory block. /// GlobalLock function increments the lock count by one. /// Needed for the clipboard functions when getting the data from IDataObject /// </summary> /// <param name="hMem"></param> /// <returns></returns> [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling = true)] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] public static extern IntPtr GlobalLock(IntPtr hMem); /// <summary> /// The GlobalUnlock function decrements the lock count associated with a memory object. /// </summary> /// <param name="hMem"></param> [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling = true)] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] public static extern Int32 GlobalUnlock(IntPtr hMem); [DllImport("ole32.dll", EntryPoint = "ReleaseStgMedium", PreserveSig = false)] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] public static extern void ReleaseStgMedium(ref STGMEDIUM medium); } #endregion #region member varible and default property initialization /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>ObjectTypes</c> /// </summary> private ADObjectTypes m_ObjectTypes = ADObjectTypes.UsersGroupsBuiltinGroups; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>ComputerObjectTypes</c> /// </summary> private ADObjectTypes m_ComputerObjectTypes = ADObjectTypes.None; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>SelectedObjectTypes</c> /// </summary> private ADObjectTypes m_SelectedObjectTypes = ADObjectTypes.UsersGroupsBuiltinGroups; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>Location</c> /// </summary> private ADObjectsLocations m_Locations = ADObjectsLocations.All; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>StartupLocation</c> /// </summary> private ADObjectsLocation m_StartupLocation = ADObjectsLocation.Domain; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>Return</c> /// </summary> private ADReturnType m_ReturnType = ADReturnType.ByLocation; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>CustomScopeSettings</c> /// </summary> private ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings m_CustomScopeSettings; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>Multiselect</c> /// </summary> private bool m_Multiselect = true; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>SkipTargetComputerDCCheck</c> /// </summary> private bool m_SkipTargetComputerDCCheck = true; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>ComputerName</c> /// </summary> private string m_ComputerName = ""; /// <summary> /// členská proměnná vlastnosti <c>ADObjectColection</c> /// </summary> private List<ADObject> m_SelectedObjects; #endregion #region constructors and destructors /// <summary> /// Default constructor /// </summary> public ADObjectPickerDialog() { } /// <summary> /// Scope settings constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="CustomScopeSettings">Scope settings</param> public ADObjectPickerDialog(ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings CustomScopeSettings) { m_CustomScopeSettings = CustomScopeSettings; } /// <summary> /// Scope property settings constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="ObjectTypes">Types of objects to search in dialog</param> /// <param name="ComputerObjectTypes">Types of objects for target computer or None for same as ObjectTypes</param> /// <param name="SelectedObjectTypes">Types of objects to be selected in dialog</param> /// <param name="Locations">Location to search in dialog</param> /// <param name="StartupLocation">Startup location from locations in dialog</param> /// <param name="ReturnType">Provider to return in objects from dialog</param> public ADObjectPickerDialog(ADObjectTypes ObjectTypes, ADObjectTypes ComputerObjectTypes, ADObjectTypes SelectedObjectTypes, ADObjectsLocations Locations, ADObjectsLocation StartupLocation, ADReturnType ReturnType) { if (ObjectTypes == ADObjectTypes.None) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid ObjectTypes", "ObjectTypes"); } m_ObjectTypes = ObjectTypes; m_ComputerObjectTypes = ComputerObjectTypes; m_SelectedObjectTypes = SelectedObjectTypes; m_Locations = Locations; m_StartupLocation = StartupLocation; m_ReturnType = ReturnType; } #endregion #region property getters/setters /// <summary> /// Types of objects to search in dialog /// </summary> [ Browsable(true), Category("Behavior"), Description("Types of objects to search in dialog."), DefaultValue(typeof(ADObjectTypes), "UsersGroupsBuiltinGroups"), System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1303:DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters", MessageId = "System.InvalidOperationException.#ctor(System.String)") ] public ADObjectTypes ObjectTypes { get { return m_ObjectTypes; } set { if (value == ADObjectTypes.None) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid ObjectTypes"); } m_ObjectTypes = value; } } /// <summary> /// Types of objects for target computer or <c>None</c> for same as <c>ObjectTypes</c> /// </summary> [ Browsable(true), Category("Behavior"), Description("Types of objects for target computer or None for same as ObjectTypes."), DefaultValue(typeof(ADObjectTypes), "None") ] public ADObjectTypes ComputerObjectTypes { get { return m_ComputerObjectTypes; } set { m_ComputerObjectTypes = value; } } /// <summary> /// Types of objects to be selected in dialog /// </summary> [ Browsable(true), Category("Behavior"), Description("Types of objects to be selected in dialog."), DefaultValue(typeof(ADObjectTypes), "UsersGroupsBuiltinGroups") ] public ADObjectTypes SelectedObjectTypes { get { return m_SelectedObjectTypes; } set { m_SelectedObjectTypes = value; } } /// <summary> /// Location to search in dialog /// </summary> [ Browsable(true), Category("Behavior"), Description("Location to search in dialog."), DefaultValue(typeof(ADObjectsLocations), "All") ] public ADObjectsLocations Locations { get { return m_Locations; } set { m_Locations = value; } } /// <summary> /// Startup location from locations in dialog /// </summary> [ Browsable(true), Category("Behavior"), Description("Startup location from locations in dialog."), DefaultValue(typeof(ADObjectsLocation), "Domain") ] public ADObjectsLocation StartupLocation { get { return m_StartupLocation; } set { m_StartupLocation = value; } } /// <summary> /// Provider to return in objects from dialog /// </summary> [ Browsable(true), Category("Behavior"), Description("Provider to return in objects from dialog."), DefaultValue(typeof(ADReturnType), "ByLocation") ] public ADReturnType ReturnType { get { return m_ReturnType; } set { m_ReturnType = value; } } /// <summary> /// Custom search scope settings for dialog /// </summary> [Browsable(false)] public ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings CustomScopeSettings { get { return m_CustomScopeSettings; } set { m_CustomScopeSettings = value; } } /// <summary> /// Allow user to select multiple objects /// </summary> [ Browsable(true), Category("Behavior"), Description("Allow user to select multiple objects."), DefaultValue(typeof(bool), "true") ] public bool Multiselect { get { return m_Multiselect; } set { m_Multiselect = value; } } /// <summary> /// Specify that this is not a domain controller /// </summary> [ Browsable(false), DefaultValue(typeof(bool), "true") ] public bool SkipTargetComputerDCCheck { get { return m_SkipTargetComputerDCCheck; } set { m_SkipTargetComputerDCCheck = value; } } /// <summary> /// Computer name or empty string for local computer /// </summary> [ Browsable(true), Category("Behavior"), Description("Computer name or empty string for local computer."), DefaultValue(typeof(string), "") ] public string ComputerName { get { return m_ComputerName; } set { m_ComputerName = value; } } /// <summary> /// AD Objects result from dialog /// </summary> [Browsable(false)] public ADObjectCollection SelectedObjects { get { return new ADObjectCollection(m_SelectedObjects); } } #endregion #region private member functions /// <summary> /// Initialize IDsObjectPicker object /// </summary> /// <returns>IDsObjectPicker object</returns> [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")] private IDsObjectPicker InitializePicker() { ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings ScopeSettings = m_CustomScopeSettings; if (ScopeSettings == null) { ScopeSettings = new ADObjectPickerDialogScopeSettings(m_ObjectTypes, m_ComputerObjectTypes, m_SelectedObjectTypes, m_Locations, m_StartupLocation, m_ReturnType); } DSObjectPicker Picker = new DSObjectPicker(); IDsObjectPicker iPicker = (IDsObjectPicker)Picker; DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO[] scopeInitInfo = new DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO[2]; //Initialize 1st search scope scopeInitInfo[0].cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO)); scopeInitInfo[0].flType = (int)ScopeSettings.FirstScope.ScopeType; scopeInitInfo[0].flScope = (int)ScopeSettings.FirstScope.ScopeFlags; scopeInitInfo[0].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flBothModes = (int)ScopeSettings.FirstScope.FilterFlagsUplevel; scopeInitInfo[0].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flMixedModeOnly = 0; scopeInitInfo[0].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flNativeModeOnly = 0; scopeInitInfo[0].FilterFlags.flDownlevel = unchecked((int)ScopeSettings.FirstScope.FilterFlagsDownlevel); scopeInitInfo[0].pwzADsPath = IntPtr.Zero; scopeInitInfo[0].pwzDcName = IntPtr.Zero; scopeInitInfo[0].hr = 0; //Initialize 2nd search scope scopeInitInfo[1].cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO)); if (ScopeSettings.SecondScope != null) { scopeInitInfo[1].flType = (int)ScopeSettings.SecondScope.ScopeType; scopeInitInfo[1].flScope = (int)ScopeSettings.SecondScope.ScopeFlags; scopeInitInfo[1].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flBothModes = (int)ScopeSettings.SecondScope.FilterFlagsUplevel; scopeInitInfo[1].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flMixedModeOnly = 0; scopeInitInfo[1].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flNativeModeOnly = 0; scopeInitInfo[1].FilterFlags.flDownlevel = unchecked((int)ScopeSettings.SecondScope.FilterFlagsDownlevel); scopeInitInfo[1].pwzADsPath = IntPtr.Zero; scopeInitInfo[1].pwzDcName = IntPtr.Zero; scopeInitInfo[1].hr = 0; } //Allocate memory from the unmananged mem of the process, this should be freed later IntPtr refScopeInitInfo = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO)) * 2); //Marshal structs to pointers Marshal.StructureToPtr(scopeInitInfo[0], refScopeInitInfo, true); Marshal.StructureToPtr(scopeInitInfo[1], (IntPtr)((int)refScopeInitInfo + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO))), true); //Initialize structure with data to initialize an object picker dialog box. DSOP_INIT_INFO initInfo = new DSOP_INIT_INFO(); initInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(initInfo); initInfo.pwzTargetComputer = (m_ComputerName.Length == 0 ? null : m_ComputerName); initInfo.cDsScopeInfos = (ScopeSettings.SecondScope == null ? 1 : 2); initInfo.aDsScopeInfos = refScopeInitInfo; initInfo.flOptions = 0; if (m_Multiselect) { initInfo.flOptions = initInfo.flOptions | DSOPOptionFlags.Multiselect; } if (m_SkipTargetComputerDCCheck) { initInfo.flOptions = initInfo.flOptions | DSOPOptionFlags.SkipTargetComputerDCCheck; } //We're not retrieving any additional attributes initInfo.cAttributesToFetch = 0; initInfo.apwzAttributeNames = IntPtr.Zero; try { //Initialize the Object Picker Dialog Box with our options iPicker.Initialize(ref initInfo); return iPicker; } catch { //Dialog allready display error message return null; } } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1806:DoNotIgnoreMethodResults", MessageId = "IMP.SharedControls.ADObjectPicker.ADObjectPickerDialog+UnsafeNativeMethods.GlobalUnlock(System.IntPtr)")] private void SetData(IDataObject DataObject) { List<ADObject> ObjectColection = null; //The STGMEDIUM structure is a generalized global memory handle used for data transfer operations STGMEDIUM stg = new STGMEDIUM(); stg.tymed = (int)TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL; stg.hGlobal = IntPtr.Zero; stg.pUnkForRelease = IntPtr.Zero; try { //The FORMATETC structure is a generalized Clipboard format. FORMATETC fe = new FORMATETC(); //The CFSTR_DSOP_DS_SELECTION_LIST clipboard format is provided by the IDataObject obtained by calling IDsObjectPicker::InvokeDialog fe.cfFormat = System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.GetFormat(CLIPBOARD_FORMAT.CFSTR_DSOP_DS_SELECTION_LIST).Id; fe.ptd = IntPtr.Zero; fe.dwAspect = (int)DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT; fe.lindex = -1; // all of the data fe.tymed = (int)TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL; //The storage medium is a global memory handle (HGLOBAL) DataObject.GetData(ref fe, ref stg); IntPtr pDSSelList = UnsafeNativeMethods.GlobalLock(stg.hGlobal); try { //if we selected at least 1 object if (pDSSelList != IntPtr.Zero) { //pDSSelList is pointer to DS_SELECTION_LIST structure contains data about the objects the user selected from an object picker dialog box. // //DS_SELECTION_LIST //================= //Available as a clipboard format from the data object returned by IDsObjectPicker::InvokeDialog. //Contains a list of objects that the user selected. // //typedef struct _DS_SELECTION_LIST //{ // ULONG cItems; - Number of elements in the aDsSelection array. // ULONG cFetchedAttributes; - Number of elements in each DSSELECTION.avarFetchedAttributes member. // DS_SELECTION aDsSelection[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; - Array of cItems DSSELECTION structures. //} DS_SELECTION_LIST, *PDS_SELECTION_LIST; //get the count of items selected from cItems field of DS_SELECTION_LIST structure int Items = Marshal.ReadInt32(pDSSelList); ObjectColection = new List<ADObject>(); //now loop through the structures for (int i = 0; i < Items; i++) { //get the pointer to DS_SELECTION structure from aDsSelection field of DS_SELECTION_LIST structure int Current = 2 * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Int32)) + i * 6 * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)); //Current is pointer to DS_SELECTION structure contains data about an object the user selected from an object picker dialog box. //DS_SELECTION //============ //Describes an object selected by the user. //The DS_SELECTION_LIST structure contains an array of DS_SELECTION structures. // //typedef struct _DS_SELECTION //{ // PWSTR pwzName; - The object's RDN. // PWSTR pwzADsPath; - The object's ADsPath. // PWSTR pwzClass; - The object's class attribute value. // PWSTR pwzUPN; - The object's userPrincipalName attribute value. // VARIANT *pvarFetchedAttributes; - An array of VARIANTs, one for each attribute fetched. // ULONG flScopeType; - A single DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_* flag describing the type of the scope from which this object was selected. //} DS_SELECTION, *PDS_SELECTION; //get the strings from fields of DS_SELECTION structure string Name = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pDSSelList, Current)); string ADsPath = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pDSSelList, 1 * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) + Current)); string Class = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pDSSelList, 2 * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) + Current)); string UPN = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pDSSelList, 3 * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) + Current)); DSOPScopeType ScopeType = (DSOPScopeType)Marshal.ReadInt32(pDSSelList, 5 * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) + Current); ObjectColection.Add(new ADObject(Name, ADsPath, Class, UPN, GetLocation(ScopeType))); } } } finally { UnsafeNativeMethods.GlobalUnlock(pDSSelList); } } finally { UnsafeNativeMethods.ReleaseStgMedium(ref stg); } m_SelectedObjects = ObjectColection; } private static ADObjectsLocation GetLocation(DSOPScopeType ScopeType) { if (ScopeType == DSOPScopeType.TargetComputer) { return ADObjectsLocation.TargetComputer; } if (ScopeType == DSOPScopeType.GlobalCatalog) { return ADObjectsLocation.EntireDirectory; } return ADObjectsLocation.Domain; } #endregion #region CommonDialog Members /// <summary> /// Resets the properties of a common dialog box to their default values. /// </summary> public override void Reset() { m_ObjectTypes = ADObjectTypes.UsersGroupsBuiltinGroups; m_ComputerObjectTypes = ADObjectTypes.None; m_SelectedObjectTypes = ADObjectTypes.UsersGroupsBuiltinGroups; m_Locations = ADObjectsLocations.All; m_StartupLocation = ADObjectsLocation.Domain; m_ReturnType = ADReturnType.ByLocation; m_CustomScopeSettings = null; m_Multiselect = true; m_SkipTargetComputerDCCheck = true; m_ComputerName = ""; } /// <summary> /// Invoke ADObjectPicker common dialog box. /// </summary> /// <param name="hwndOwner">A value that represents the window handle of the owner window for the common dialog box.</param> /// <returns>true if the dialog box was successfully run; otherwise, false.</returns> [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1303:DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters", MessageId = "System.PlatformNotSupportedException.#ctor(System.String)")] protected override bool RunDialog(IntPtr hwndOwner) { try { IDataObject DataObject = null; IDsObjectPicker iPicker = InitializePicker(); if (iPicker == null) { //Dialog error return false; } iPicker.InvokeDialog(new HandleRef(this, hwndOwner), out DataObject); if (DataObject == null) //Cancel { return false; //Returns DialogResult.Cancel form ShowDialog method } SetData(DataObject); return true; //Returns DialogResult.OK form ShowDialog method } catch (COMException) { if (ApplicationInfo.OSPlatform == PlatformID.Win32S || ApplicationInfo.OSPlatform == PlatformID.Win32Windows) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Windows 9x/Me is not supported"); } else { throw; } } } #endregion } }